Tuesday, November 3, 2009

19 Days...

The dudes are still in the NICU, but getting better everyday. At the same time, everyday is fraught with the angst of monitoring the doodads and thingamajigs that they're attached to, which I suppose will eventually pale in comparison to the anxiety of the actual parenting that we'll have to do when they're released. They've both been moved from the more intensive NICU to the 'feeders and growers' NICU. One step closer to coming home...

Truman (or Tru, as he is known on the street) has been breathing unassisted for several days. He hit a speed bump with his feedings over a week ago, when vitamin fortifiers were added to his feedings. Lots of spitting up. Now, instead of giving him the vitamins and the breastmilk separately, the nurses mix them together and he takes it down fine. He has a very sophisticated palette.

Fisher (aka Fish, according to the paparazzi) was first to breathe unassisted, but was perhaps given that privilege a bit early. He became a little exhausted, then had to be put back on CPAP (the breathing machine....here's a Wikipedia link that makes it look much scarier than it actually is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_airway_pressure) for a couple of days. He's been coming off for hours at a time now. Unfortunately, the CPAP can accidentally force oxygen into the baby's stomach, making him uncomfortable and constipated. When he finally was able to poo, C and I shared a high-five. Simple pleasures.

In addition, C and I (C much more often than I) have been practicing kangaroo care, when babies are held against their parents' bare chests, helping to regulate temperature and breathing. It's a pretty awe-inspiring interaction, one that helps to explain all the smug, pretentious things parents say...you know, things like "it's awe-inspiring." Needless to say, the first time I practiced this venerable, soul-touching ritual, Tru peed on me and Fish puked on me. They're much more respectful of their mother.

Yesterday, Tru bottle-fed for the first time. Fish came off CPAP for the first time in a couple of days. From time to time, we have little scares (that hardly seem little in the moment), but the general trend is positive.

Thank you all for your support and interest. Much love and gratitude.

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