Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day after Laser

C spent the yesterday post-surgery with a few unpleasant side-effects from the anesthesia: nausea, cramping, and an itchy nose (from the morphine).  Though she was very hungry, she had trouble keeping food down until the evening, when dinner went smoothly.  The nurses were surprised by how quickly she got in and out of bed unaided.

Today, at a follow-up ultrasound we checked in on the twins to find some encouraging news.  The donor baby's bladder, which had been invisible for a couple of weeks, was visible and he was beginning to develop some amniotic fluid around him.  After so many tough days, it was great to get some positive word from the twins.  

I had to return to NYC for work.  (In the train station, I caught myself chanting under my breath "I can see his bladder.  I can see his bladder."  All apologies to the good citizens of Philadelphia, who regarded me with some unease.)  I'll be here until late Thursday night while C's mom watches over her in their lodgings in Jersey.  On Friday, I'll take C's mom to the airport and stay with C until our last ultrasound in Philly (we hope) on Monday.  We'll hope to see some turnaround in the recipient baby's heart at that time.

Thank you all for your support.  Thank you so much.

1 comment:

  1. Great News! You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers, we are so happy for the positive news. Funny story about being at the train station. But it is normal, given the situation you are in. It consumes your life and that is all you can really think about all day. Thanks for the updates. Take care,

    The Richards Family
    Avigliana, Italy
